Friday 5 June 2009

Is it me or are summers of my youth gone forever

Currently sitting at work and looking out the window in Mayfair. Thinking to myself where in the world has the summer of my youth gone. Maybe it is just nostalgia and maybe the world seen through a childs eyes always seems a lot more exciting. But then how come everyone I speak to about this particular topic all seem to be in agreement with me about how much more better the summer months were. In those days you could not go a few days without the government declaring a hose pipe ban, a few pensioners keeling over from heat exhaustion and the sight of ladies dressing in not much was a much appreciated sight. Some of them, not so much !

Alas those days are gone and now if we get at least 3 weeks of great weather, in the high 70s, sunny skies and little to no wind. We all slap our selves on the backs and break out into the US annoying habit of high fiving anything that moves, congratulating ourselves on a having just experienced a great summer.

The reality is that 3 days of decent sunshine followed by another 3 of grey Sky's, rain and chilly winds. Surely global warming should mean that although we might wipe off 3 million years from the 400 million years we have left before the sun gives its final encore and the curtain goes down on Planet earth. That we would at least have great summers and all have the option of burning our skins to a crisp and speeding up the process of getting some form of skin cancer.

I for one am still very optimistic and as surely as a politician has nine lives. The sun shall once again return to Mayfair, London, Engand and beyond

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